yoga, breath work and meditation in beautiful Aspen, Colorado. Yogic Blogging
Sometimes I see “The Third Eye,” which mostly appears to me like a purple blob (more than a triangle with an eye) and afterwards, I ALWAYS feel at peace. Meditation can be seen as the goal of the previous 4 limbs of yoga (1. Yama - Moral conducts, 2. Niyama - Right actions for the self, 3. Asana - Postures, 4. Pranayama - Breath control) and it includes the remaining four of the 8 limbs of yoga: 5. Pratyahara - withdrawal of the senses, or as I call it “creating your personal force field,” is an important step which grants you the ability to zone- in to yourself, regardless of your surroundings. I got serious practice with this in India where things are NEVER quiet!
7- Dhyana - Absorbed focus/concentration. The concept of Dhyana is quite abstract and difficult both to understand and attain. In Dhyana, one no longer has to continuously control the focus, but the object of concentration starts to simply flow and “just happen.” It's a pretty sweet reward after so much work, but it's illusive, and if you try to take too much note of it or get too excited about it, it might vanish quicker then it appears. Even a quick unveiling of this experience will leave one with faith in the collective consciousness and a peaceful conviction of the superiority of good. 8 -Samadhi - Bliss, or a total merger with the Universal Energy. Many, including myself, hesitate explaining this last step of Yoga, simply because it's pretty rare to arrive here. My own experience is limited and some would argue that had I truly achieved Samadhi, I’d no longer feel the need to partake in the regular mundane world. I would be questioned as to why I’m not living in an Ashram (Yoga school/temple) and dedicating my whole life towards meditation. However, I have transcended in samadhi (if you know, you know) and I chose to stay in the regular world to share yoga that is attainable for everyone. My encounters with Samadhi have been amazing. They usually come in small glimpses where any and all dualities of the world become obsolete, time is irrelevant and suffering transforms into bliss. Just like Dyhana, you have to refrain from chasing it, approach the experience with zero expectations and just allow it to flow into you. Experiences vary greatly for different people but one thing remains true to most, Samadhi resolves suffering, ie, meditation is the best medicine as it can be done by anyone with an able mind, at no charge and with no negative side effects. My top 3 tips for Meditative success is
Meditation keeps bringing me closer to the innocent little girl I once was, and simultaneously keeps growing me into my most optimized true mature self. It is magic. If my endorsement isn’t enough, conduct a quick google search on “successful people who meditatie” and see what you find! Hari OM
August 2022
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